A friend of mine recently referred to me as the “CEO of Running in Heels Magazine” — I laughed, thought it was cute and clever, and then realized what it really meant.
I’m sure many of you can relate to that statement, but I’m officially owning it. It may be a metaphor but I can truly say I have definitely spent the last 30 years running in heels – from the day I opened the doors of my business – chasing and running after new business, running after the desire to be the best at what I do, keep everyone happy, meet our deadlines, reach our goals and build a successful life full of love, health, and prosperity.
Then came a family – running to create the ideal home, running to the market, running to the home design and supply stores to get the house in livable condition and keep improving on it (for 30 years). Running to have a full social life, running to get home on time, running to put a meal on the table, running to keep my man happy.
Then came my fabulous children – running from work to home and back in the early days while juggling babies, nursing, diaper changing, playtime, reading time, cuddle time…all while juggling work, deadlines, clients, and business travel. Running to and from one obligation to another while running home to those sweet and slowly growing faces, hugs, intense moments of love, education, and entertainment.
Then came school years – running to and from school meetings, events, conferences, functions, projects while running back to clients, office, work, airports, and definitely running to airplanes. Running to get a little food, a little workout, a little playtime, and some lovin’ with my hubby.
Now I find myself running to catch my breath, running to find balance, running to find some inner peace while still juggling, running, traveling, working, and running a great family and business!
Of course, as the years have gone on we find new things to run to and from. We find new passions and hobbies to layer into our fabulous and busy lives so we just keep running and running. We never really stop to think about the fact that we’re running from here to there – physically, mentally, and emotionally. We just do it, as it’s just the way we have to move through all the things we have created in our lives.
All while wearing heels…
Yes, almost every day! I’m on the short side so I always felt that heels best complimented by work attire and definitely made me feel up to the task. So yes, I deserve this title – CEO of Running in Heels Magazine. I own it and wear it proudly…as do all of the women out there who are running in these same heels! All the power to us! Have we started a new movement?