Are you open minded?
Do you live with passion?
Is your life your creation or someone else’s?
Do you have a clear cut definition of who you are and how you want to live?
Have you defined your personal self from your work self?
Are they one-in-the-same?
Are you living your dream or someone else’s?
Is it all just a blur and you’re simply treading water because that’s just what you do?
As Socrates said,
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
There’s a reason we still recognize him as one of history's greatest thinkers and turn to his wisdom for inspiration.
We all know someone who is “stuck” in their lives and constantly complaining about how miserable they are. Whether it be with something or someone, it’s usually fear that stops them from confronting it head on and eventually, beginning your Reinvention. But really, what is “fear”? Fear is a choice. A product of our imagination. We’re telling ourselves a story and creating a false reality. BUT, this reality is only as strong as the power and the voice you give it.
So how can you give so much power to something that is not real? How can your journey, dreams, passions, and life fantasies be overpowered by fear? EMBRACE the change! EMBRACE the newness! EMBRACE the fear!
In my life, change was always an adventure. Throughout my childhood, we moved to three very different countries and had to start over each time with new neighborhoods, friends, schools, and surroundings. I loved it! I took on each move with curiosity, a sense of exploration, and an interest to build the next place in my life. It gave me the tools to have an appreciation for new experiences, and helped me get to know my new environment with a fresh start.
When tackling a new project, client, hobby or friendship, it’s with this same attitude that I embrace it. Not everyone has the same feeling about change and Reinvention. The unknown can be a little daunting for some, but I encourage you to look at the reward and the upside of the potential outcome.
Take baby steps to get there. Huge leaps aren’t necessary.
And for those procrastinators, try not to let your TO DO’s get in the way of your WHAT IF’s! Spread your wings, find your passion and EMBRACE the beauty and excitement of “newness.”
If you find something you like to do, you’ll never work a day in your life.
Good luck and #HappyReinventing!